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Updated: Sep 22, 2020

More than 190,000 in the US have died from COVID-19, greater than 2000 in Colorado. Yet, there isn’t any public memorial to acknowledge the lives lost in our area. A local activist/artist, Stella Yu, Qi Zhou, and I organized the COVID Walls project to honor the victims, survivors, and the frontline workers’ sacrificial services. I have been a wheat-pasting mural of portraits on the walls at the RedLine Contemporary Art Center.

Let us honor their lives and services. If you know anyone in our communities who lost lives or those serving at the frontline, you can send the portraits to We want to see the wall continue to grow. If you would like to do this process yourself, please bring the photo (printed on regular paper, not on photographic paper) during RedLine’s business hours. There will be wheat paste and brush for you to use. Even small photos can be enlarged and photocopied at any copy centers inexpensively.

The COVIDwall story has been well covered by the local media and you can learn more by visiting these links:

303 Magazine:

photo credit: Kevin Beaty, Denverite

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